Your FUTURE is designed by WHAT YOU DO TODAY.

Our Fecilities

            The best minds need the best ambience and SUVIDYAA always stands forefront offering best class facilities and most ideal study atmosphere where minds are ignited through sense of participation.

            Highly advanced lab facilities are available for students to guide them with experience & experiments.

            There is no study of science without experimentation and observation.

            Suvidyaa  emphasizes on conducting detailed laboratory sessions with the students to make them explore & experience the real essence of learning. SUVIDYAA provides well equipped laboratories for students and inspires them to understand scientific concepts in a practical way.:

Expert faculty

At Suvidyaa teachers inspire the students to bring out the best in them. Our efficient faculty members with their experience & commitment dedicate themselves for the students success.

            They prepare students for a range of career paths and help them develop the skills, habits and attitudes they can retain over a life time.

Study materials

More than half of Suvidyaa success should be attributed to its study material. Lot of labour & time is invested in preparing these knowledge banks. All the books and material are prepared by subject experts who possess decades of teaching experience.

The information provided in them is exhaustive, qualitative and comprehensive and is in conformity with the new pattern syllabus.

            They are supplied to the students in addition to the theoretical notes & assignments.


The well stocked library is designed with all supporting infrastructure for all round knowledge and resource needs of students. It has wide range of reference books, periodicals and magazines on every subject and the educational CD’s on IIT & Medical foundation programs are available in the library.


Hostel & Boarding facilities

 Enjoying Homely comforts away from Home.

 Homely atmosphere.

The hostel facilities of SUVIDYAA provide the opportunities to make lots of friends and enable them to get adapted to the new environment.

            The hostel in scerene location which give fresh air and peaceful place to learn and is in a safe & secure environment.

            A watchful eye is kept on students from the morning till they go to bed at night.

 Food, dining nourishment.

The menu on Suvidyaa Cuisine card dishes out whole some nourishing and wide variety of food that gives strength and delights the taste buds of every student.

            It offers both vegetarian & non-vegetarian cuisine. Suvidyaa gives priority to provide delicious and healthy food.

We also ensure complete sanitation in the cooking area.

We follow variety and proper timings through our dedicated team of chefs.

We follow strict time schedules for meals and for our canteen to inculcate good eating habits.

4c) Health care:

Health care of students is given top priority in Suvidyaa. Doctor visit daily to look after the health needs of students.

            In appropriate cases, parents are informed depending on the severity of the problem. If it is felt necessary the problems will be dealt with by the specialists.

 Mineral Water:

Pure, clean and cool drinking water is made available to the students.

            Hot water facility available.

Daily Schedule:

5: 00 am                                         Wake up time

5: 30 am to 7:30 AM                        Self study

7:30 AM to 8:00 AM                        Break fast.

8:00 AM to 1:10 PM                        Classes

1:10 PM to 1:40 PM                        Lunch

1:40 PM to 4:20 PM                        Classes

4:20 PM to 4:40 PM                        Snacks & milk

4:40 PM to 6:10 PM                        Work session super vision.

6:10 PM to 7:30 PM                        Rest & Dinner.

7:30 PM  to 10:00 pm                    Self study

10:00 pm                                     Bed time.


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888 55 99 244